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Flamma USA is the option for those wanting to do work in the USA.

Flamma USA can help develop small molecule APIs as they begin their journey. Flamma USA can also provide a new home to small molecule APIs with low volume demands.

Flamma USA can accelerate the process work and make necessary RSMs or advanced intermediates by working in parallel with Flamma Honkai (our 100% owned and managed site located in Dalian, China). Cost savings and speed are always advantageous when developing a new small molecule API.

Flamma USA has the ability to work on HPAPIs (with an OEL >0.1
μg/m³) as well as Controlled Substances (Schedule II-V).

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding your early stage small molecule project. Do you want to visit Flamma USA in Malvern, PA? We are ready to welcome you at your convenience.

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Learn more about Flamma by visiting our home page.